Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Montage: Activity 4

Activity 4
-Find two examples of photomontages that are either from a commercial source or from a fine art background. Discuss in what context they have been produced and what techniques they share with political photomontages.
-What messages, if any, are communicated through these photomontages and how effective do you think they are? Consider different ways that each image could have been tackled by the artist and come up with an idea for ‘another in the series’.

Joachim Beyrowski 

I like this image a lot because it shows that a swimmer is doing laps on the road. That is highly impossible but it looks so real the way it was edited. The road image looks so nice and the road itself looks like its wet and has rain drops of sorts. It then looks like they edited in a puddle and a part of a swimmer in mid stroke. I think this was well edited. I like this photo a lot and I think its super cool! I think they could add another series with swimmers, swimming in random places but mix it in well together. Or even a walking on water type of thing would be way cool!

Joachim Beyrowski

This image is way cool because I can tell that there were many layers put this all together. He entered the kids in the image and had them standing or mid coloring. He also had an image of the street while people are driving and walking, etc. Then he entered in images of chalk drawings. I think this is a well edited image and was well though out. I think another series could be put together of kids drawing in random places. Like on the wall of China. You know something on those lines would be way cool. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Montage: Activity 3

Activity 3
As editors exercise their ever-increasing power over information control, what limits would you impose on them as to the extent to which they can manipulate the photographic image?
Devise a series of guidelines that will control the release of images that have been constructed for media use so that the public is aware as to the extent of the manipulation.

Doctored Photo of Mubarak.jpgObama US Mideast Talk_Hers.jpg
I would edit photos to the point of where it isn't offensive or creates issues. I would also make it across that it isn't real by adding a bit of touches so no one got confused or I wouldn't go beyond editing so people thought it was so real. If it looks like that moment would actually occur or not. I would put text on the image to make the image look not too real so people wouldn't get confused or be convinced to easily. I think the other one that was edited looks real but to a point where it does look out of place, so I know not to take it too seriously. The people following the man look like they're walking on the carpet but the carpet looks edited and fake. So little details like that can help. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Montage: Activity 2

Activity 2: Blog Entry
Find two examples of political photomontages that are either from a historical or contemporary source.
Discuss in what context they have been produced and how effective you think they communicate their intended message.
Discuss the techniques that have been used to assemble the examples you have chosen and offer alternative ways that the artist could have put over the same message.

Peter Kennard

To me this image means that pollution is slowly taking over and destroying the earth. I think the person used a black background and another image of earth and buildings with pollution. I think they took half of each image and blended them together to look like the buildings and pollution were coming from the earth. I think this image speaks volumes and was well put together.


Looking at this, it seems that the man in being portrayed as horrible man. That under him, when he takes his mask off he is a wolf, an evil looking wolf. Wolves can be represented as getting close to people for their own personal gain. So in this photo it shows that this man is evil, spiteful, and mean of sorts.